Monday 31 May 2021

Skulduggery Pleasant

 Today I mdae a DLO about my favorite book 

This my DLO about my favorite book I,ve had so much fun making this. It is my favorite book i,ve every read I read the first book when I was ten after that I,ve been looking for the other books I,ve found all of them. The other day I found I think the number 14 book and theres a new serise. Every time I read the book I amagine whats happening and it feels like its happeing to me. Its really cool to read because it builds up your reading skills.      




 Today I made a DLO about my personal passion 

Today I wrote about my personal passion it was really fun as I was making this it brang back so much memorys from the past. I really like making these so that people can read them and so they can build up their reading skills. And so they can learn about how I enjoyed making this. I like this because it helps me build up my chromebook skills and so I can understand how to do stuff by myself.         

Thursday 20 May 2021


LI: to represent Panmure Bridge School in Interschool Soccer

On Wenday some of the kids in year 3 to year 8 went to soccer to play for the school we were split in to five groups the it wasn't mixed so the girls were in one group and the boys were in another group. the boys in LS2 were split in two groups and the LS1and LS2 girls were in one group the little kids in room 4, 5, 6 were in I think one or two groups. It was really fun playing soccer my team didn't play very well but we had lots of fun playing we had five games each we had moring tea and Mr Johnston brought the lunch. one of the teams we were going to play against Glen Taylor but they didn't show up so I took that as a win. After lunch we played against a team after we played against them we waited for our next game we just hang out with some of the other teams. After our playtime we played against our own school we lost but it was really funny we went back on the bus once we got back we all packed up I really enjoyed going at soccer and I enjoyed pkaying with my friends.

Wednesday 19 May 2021

 LI: To plan a day out that fits withing the givin budget of $45.00

A budget is a plan for managing money. Budgets can be made for an individual person, a family, a business, a government or a country – they can be made for anything or anyone that makes and spends money! 

For maths this week we have been continuing with Financial Capabilities. Independently we wrote down our answers in our maths books. For this activity there was a budget of $45. The smith family went on a trip to the Musuem. There are 2 adults and 3 children in the Smith Family. We calculated the different options and prices the Smith Family would've spent with their $45. On the DLO above, Me, Farzana, Juel, Tyson and Micah created a DLO explaining our answers.

Monday 17 May 2021

ASB Get Wise

 LI: To know how to spend money wisely 

GetWise – Creating Cash-Clever Kiwis

This week we learnt how to spend money wisely. An instructor named Marlon from ASB came in the room and told that we we're going to play a game called Holiday at FIJI. He told us that we were going to get $1800 it the money wasn't real so it was kinda sad I thought it would be real. he said that we would be able to go on a first class plane which cost $800 or we could go on a really bad plane which was $300 my group did the $300 dollar one then he said we could stay at a hotel that had spas,cold shower's, hot shower's, warm shower's, amzing food, or we could have a really bad hotel it has a terrible bed only onefan and the food is dreadful and there's only one window. There was insurance that we could get just in case something bad happens my group said no. Then there was activites there was scuba diving, surfing, sky diving my group did all of them. Then he said after all the activites you were hunger so you went to the closes shop called jo's fish and chips but the it had food posioning so we had to go to the hospital the hospital bill was $2000 dollars then he got a dice and said that if the dice landed on 1, 2, 3, 4 you would have to pay but if it landed on 5 or six then you wouldn't have to pay everyone got a six and a five but one group didn't so they had to pay but they didn't have enough money so they where in debt and that was bad and there was points I can't remember the points my group came second and the other group came first. After that he said so what do you do and we said you stop look and make smart moves.

Sunday 16 May 2021

Sir Edmund Hillary


Today I did reseach on Sir Edmund Hillary. It was really cool doing research on him I knew he climbed Mount everest but I didn't know he climbed the Himalayas. I was having fun making this and I hope other people have fun reading it. Hopefully other people find this interesting and the stuff I found out cool.  

Thursday 13 May 2021


LI: To use our smart searching skills to find out about pulleys.

We have been learning about simple machines. There are 6 different types of simple machines. This week we learnt about pulleys. Our DLO shows our labelled diagrams of a pulley system. A labelled diagram is an information picture.A Pulley is a simple machine with a wheel and grove that the rope goes in and then attached the load is then pulled up.

Monday 3 May 2021

Inspirational quotes

LI.Inspirational quotes

Today I made DLOS on inspirtional quotes I really enjoyed it it was amazing making them I saw some really good quotes. Some of them were really funny some I liked some inspired me these were really fun to make I had fun making them hopefully they inspire other people.