Monday 17 May 2021

ASB Get Wise

 LI: To know how to spend money wisely 

GetWise – Creating Cash-Clever Kiwis

This week we learnt how to spend money wisely. An instructor named Marlon from ASB came in the room and told that we we're going to play a game called Holiday at FIJI. He told us that we were going to get $1800 it the money wasn't real so it was kinda sad I thought it would be real. he said that we would be able to go on a first class plane which cost $800 or we could go on a really bad plane which was $300 my group did the $300 dollar one then he said we could stay at a hotel that had spas,cold shower's, hot shower's, warm shower's, amzing food, or we could have a really bad hotel it has a terrible bed only onefan and the food is dreadful and there's only one window. There was insurance that we could get just in case something bad happens my group said no. Then there was activites there was scuba diving, surfing, sky diving my group did all of them. Then he said after all the activites you were hunger so you went to the closes shop called jo's fish and chips but the it had food posioning so we had to go to the hospital the hospital bill was $2000 dollars then he got a dice and said that if the dice landed on 1, 2, 3, 4 you would have to pay but if it landed on 5 or six then you wouldn't have to pay everyone got a six and a five but one group didn't so they had to pay but they didn't have enough money so they where in debt and that was bad and there was points I can't remember the points my group came second and the other group came first. After that he said so what do you do and we said you stop look and make smart moves.

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