Tuesday 8 June 2021

5 hot questions about the Muslims community

 LI: To understand the different cultures 

In the past 2 week’s our reading group has been learning about the culture Afghanistan. The text we read was called All as One. This is about how one culture comes together and pray in one room with men and women divided. 

After reading this text we wrote some questions that we thought we wanted to know. When writing the questions we needed to use might, could, should, or would to make our questions better. 

Some examples we wrote were: 


  1. What might have happened if an adult eat during fasting?

  1. What might happen if a muslim said something wrong during praying?

  1. Who might have the idea of introducing the scarf for woman

  1.  When might have the quran been written?

  1. Where did the muslim culture start?

  1. What might have happen if a muslim said the wrong thing during praying.

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