Tuesday 31 August 2021

Summary Customised Shoes

 LI: To explain in fewer words what the text is about.

Today I wrote 20 words and then 6 and then I wrote about a few sentences with the 6 words I chose. There's this person that makes sneakers they look really cool and I wish I could make my own. He said 'even though this sounds funny I want to get a letter to cease and desist from a company' it means that he is noticed.

Monday 30 August 2021

Recreating Famous Artworks

LI: To use Google Draw to recreate a famous artwork

LI: To use your knowledge of colour and colour mixing to replicate the colours used in the artworks.

This week we have been learning about famous artworks and colour mixing. The artwork I chose was Cafe Terrace at Night

by Vincent Van Gogh. This artwork was painted in 16 September 1888

It was painted because Vincent went to the Cafe. Today it can be found in Kröller-Müller Museum in Otterlo, Netherlands. 

I enjoyed this challenge because I got to wrigte about Vincent Van Gogh.


Wednesday 25 August 2021

Hello/Goodbye Poem

 LI: To paint a picture with my words


Hello lockdown

Goodbye, early morning wake up.  

Hello lockdown

Goodbye, seeing my friends and playing with them at school. 

Hello lockdown

Goodbye, getting lunch ready for my little brother and sister before school.

Hello lockdown

Goodbye, Big Macs and McChicken from McDonalds. 

Hello lockdown

Goodbye, rugby training.   

Hello lockdown

Goodbye, netball games, and my team's winning streak.

Hello lockdown

Goodbye, cold and early mornings.

Hello lockdown

Goodbye, school uniform, and uncomfortable shoes. 

Hello lockdown

Thank you for letting me sleep longer in the morning. 

  • This morning Miss Sheena joined our online Meet and taught us how to write a Hello/Goodbye poem. This poem shows the contrast between things lockdown made us leave behind and the things lockdown gives us the opportunity to do. 

  • I enjoyed this because I thought aboutn the things lockdown took away. And gave me.

Tuesday 24 August 2021

Fred’s Decision

    Part of our reading challenge today was to use our smart searching skills to find facts about geese. One fact I found interesting was that Canadian goose will not forget a face because that means you always have a friend.

Dawn Raids


Today I wrote about the Dawn Raids. The Dawn Raids were a very bad history for some people. People were wronged back in the day for nothing but the people that were wronged fought back against the people that treated them wrong. They shouldn't have been blamed for the way they looked a have you ever heard the saying 'don't judge a book by it's cover' well thats what we should be doing, not judging the way they look. 

Our Ocean


Our ocean is a wonderful thing to see it has life and it also has such amazing. But we need to keep care of it we shouldn't throw trash in the ocean it can harm many sea life. Our ocean is being hurt each day and sea life are being killed by people that hunt Fish, Dolphin, and Whales and lots more. I know this one place where these people hunt dolphins and other sea life and if they see you with a phone and your recording then they will tell you to put it away and I'm pretty sure that if you don't they will call the police. So we need to be careful about what we throw in the sea.   

Monday 23 August 2021

Six Photos

This week I made a DLO about six things I enjoy doing. I got some images and put them on the DLO it was really fun writing about this because it got me thinking a lot about what I should write. This activity really brang back a lot of things from my childhood. Some of the things that I wrote about have always been a part of my life and I enjoy it a lot of the things I did with it when i was young.    

Proud of my roots


Today I made a T-shirt of the people I'm proud to call family. This was really cool to do as I was looking for some images I saw really cool stuff but I didn't put it on there. I have done lots of these activitys for the past 2 months. At the begining I struggled to do it so I asked if my friend wanted to do them with me and she was really helpful we did most of them together and it was really fun sometimes we would get distracted and just keep talking, it was kinda funny how we just kept talking and kinda wasted a lot of time but we got them done in no time.   

List Poem

LI: To write a list poem that describes a topic by painting a picture with your words.

What is a Million? 

A million is the time I've smelt the wonderful food my mum has prepared for us.

A million is the amount of friendships I have made during my life.

A million are the families I have met on both my mum and dad's side.

The times I've watched my siblings grow and learn. 

The times we've sat as a family at the dinner table

The times I've seen the sun rise in the morning as I get out of my bed.  

Today we wrote list poems about a topic we connected with. Our challenge was to use desacriptive language features to paint a clear picture with our words.

I enjoyed this because it made me think about a million good things that have happened to me.

Sunday 22 August 2021


LI: To create an animated gif file.

  • We used pixelart to create a self portrait. The  challenge was to create an animated gif file to make our pictures blink or smile.

  • I found out that you can make a self portrait

  • I enjoyed this because it helped me with my creative skills

Letter Q

 LI: To evaluate.

  • This week we read about the origin of the Letter Q, and where it came from. Our task was to create a DLO (Digital Learning Object) to identify words that begin with the Letter Q. Once we had done that we identified the words we didin’t know and defined these.

  • I found out new words that I didn't know exist

  • I enjoyed this because I explored a lot.

Thursday 19 August 2021

Jonah Lomu

This week I wrote about my sporting hero which is Jonah Lomu those of you that don't know who Jonah Lomu he is one of the greatest All Black players. He was the youngest All Black player in the team he's number was 11 and he was a winger just like me when he was on the field he was a beast when he got the he just keep running and if people were to try and stop him he would just bump them of and just walk all over them like they not even there. One time like five or six players tried to stop him but they couldn't stop him. He played for a number of teams when he played rugby and if he got tackled he would off load it to someone else and they would get the try, he died in 2015 he died because he had only one kidney and he got one but his body rejected it so he died, I really wanted to met him but I couldn't well because he died but there are still lots of good players I can met some of them are my uncles which is really cool. 

Here is the link to the Sporting Hero   

Tasty Pacific

This week I wrote about my favorite food which is a Tongan food it is called Lu it is a really yummy dish and a lot of my family love eating it. They all say that my mums Lu is the best and they all take some home when they leave. I really love it as well my mum taught me how to make it she said that the Lu must be cooked for a long time if it is I think your tounge will get itchy so thats why my mum puts it in the oven a few hours before everyone comes to our house my favorite part of the Lu is the corn beef to me it is the main piece of the Lu. My mum puts the right amount of ingredients thats why it taste so yummy. 

Where is Home to Me

Today I wrote about where home is to me and why. Home is very important because it protects you from the dangers out there and even if you are the 21 or 25 years old you still need a home. And your home can sometimes be someone special to you. Or it can be well a house it doesn't matter were you are you are never far from home. Your home could be just around the corner or it could be wherever your home is to you. I really enjoy hanging with my family and I know they love hanging with me even though they say my jokes are dry and my older brother says I'm annoying I know he finds me really funny he just doesn't know how to say. :) :).  

Wednesday 18 August 2021

The People That Set Me On My Track.


For this chllenge me and my friend wrote about the people that set us on our track (mine is at the bottom) there are a lot of people tht set me on my track they bands make really good songs I listen to their songs a lot in my spare time the songs keep me calm and they make me feel safe I would love to met these bands and ask them how long did it take for them to become singers. 

Eyes On The Prize


This task was really fun to create because I got to tell people what my favorite sport is the bad thing about having only to wingers is that you don't get a break that much. But now we have more wingers so we get more breaks. My pacific heritage helps me a lot because everytime I make a try or get a really good tackle I always think that it makes my heritage proud and they will always guid me to victory when I need it. It is nice knowing that your family is there to guid you when you need it.     

Who inspires you to work hard each day.


For this activity I wrote about who inspires me to work hard, the person that inspires me to work hard is my mum she has always been there for me whenever I need help she helps me push through even the things are tough. There were times were I wanted to just crawl into a ball and just stay like that because the fear and sorrow would try and take over me, and every time that happened my mum could see the look on my face and would always talk to me and she never treated me like a baby she always treated me for who I was and then after she talked to me she would make her voise gently and talk to me softer then all the fear and sorrow would go away almost at the same time. One time I let the fear and sorrow take over me and it was like everything just vanished but my mum would not allow it and the  the light came in. And that is who inspires me to work hard.      

Custom Air Jordan Shoes Culture Style

Today I made my own sneakers these shoes are Air Jordans I chose this shoe because Michael Lordan is my favorite basketball player I really enjoy this because I got really creative. At the start it didn't look very good but as I worked my way through it got better and looked like this. I am really proud of this because I hope Michael Jordan see's these shoes and hope fully he might like comment on my blog or somehting, I've always wanted to meet him and ask him some questions. Maybe he might sell them or something and if he does I might get to see him and the shoes in stores I can't wait what might happen.   

Monday 16 August 2021


Doing this activite is really cool it helps you use your creativity its really fun to do. Rugby is the object I chose Rugby is a part of my life it helps me to be stronger. And there are a lot of fun things you can do in Rugby except running you have to run a lot but it helps you to get fit and strong. I love playing Rugby because I can met a lot of people and I love seeing my friends. In my team I am the winger the winger have to be fit and fast we have three wingers in my team I'm one of them and my brother and my friend. Rugby is a really famous thing around the world. I related to some of the rugby players the are all my uncles some play in the All Blacks, Blues, and the Wallabies.


 Last week we did swimming it was really fun doing because I like to get wet. It was really fun swimming because I got to splash my friends we had to do a star fish on our belly and try and stay on top of the water for 1 minutes it was really hard for some of us but some did really good. And we also did freestyle back and forward we also did dolphin dive it was kinda hard everyone struggled to do it. Then we all got changed we helped some of the little kids get changed too. then we went back to school.    

Sunday 8 August 2021

Hauora and Olympians

Knowing how to win or lose is important because it shows that you have a good sportmanship when you play. So that if you lose you will be motavated to work harder and you will be confindent in winning. If you win and you treat peolpe like equally. Athletes at the top of their field train mentally and physically, you must cheerish the moment so that you remember that you got a chance to play for your country.

Embracing how to win and lose is important because you will be more accepting of the result and will bounce back next time. Athletes train both their body and mind so that they have all their four walls are standing no matter what happens on the big stage. When you know how to win and lose you can reflect on the past and try to do better when another chance comes around. 

Micah and Vayan.      


Thursday 5 August 2021

How to be prepared at PBS

LI: To identify the different concepts we need to be prepared in school.

This week’s PB4L (positive behaviour 4 learning) activity was to create and understand the things we need to be prepared for school. (name), (name), and I have created a DLO listing all the things we need to be prepared for school. Some of the main things we need are a charged device (chromebook), proper school uniform, tidy hair, and remembering to bring PE gear to school for any fitness activities or sports training. 

Microbit Dice

LI: To see and understand the connection between the written code, the block code and the flow chart. 

This is the comparison between the Python coding, the blocks and the flowchart for making the Microbit act like dice 


This week for tech we were learning about seeing the connection between the writen code, the block code and the flow chart. When we used the makecode we used the python coding. Their are three types of codings that you can do. After we did the python coding we took a screenshot and them made a DLO out of it using the recent flowchart made during the tech sessions. I found this task very intersting because I got to see the connection between the writen code, the block code and the flow chart.

Wednesday 4 August 2021

Water Saftey

 LI: To know how to be safe in the pools.

This week we worked on a water safety and how to be safe in the pools some pool are shallow and some are very deep when swimming it is important that you stay safe and alway make sure that there is adult supervision     

Olympic Math Challenge 4

 LI: To sort out the top ten countries that played in the olympics from 1896 - 2012 and 2016.


This week for math we wrote the top ten teams from 1896 - 2012 and 2016. We had to plus all the medals they won in total the one that had the most was USA. we added New Zealand as well they got 105 in total. New Zealand have won 15 medals in the present. This activity is interesting because it helped us with our addtion. NZ got 105 in total.       

Water Saftey

 LI: To create a brochure on how to stay safe at the beach. This week we did a brochure on how to stay safe at the beach. 

This taught us how to keep ourselves safe when in the water. It is important to keep safe in the water. Make sure you have adult supervision so that they can keep you safe. This activity was really interesting because it helped us how to be safe at the beach     

Water saftey

LI: To know how to be safe in the pools

Water safety is an important skill to understand and be able to use when in a situation around water. It’s important that everyone uses this skill especially young children. When teaching young children water safety make sure they are in a shallow area and always make sure they have supervision. When getting into a bad situation around water don’t panic put your hand up and call for help. This is important for countries that are surrounded by water because those countries have bad drowning statistics. 


Tuesday 3 August 2021

Mindfulness Reflection

LI:  To become Mindfulness being, in the present. 

Today was LS2's first session of Pause Breathe & Smile. Pause Breathe and smile, focus's on creating and training yourself to have a healthier and positive mindset; helping navigating to live in the moment. It also helped us spark our curiosity and focus on our well-being. 

This concluded in us doing breathing exercises with the standing bell/tibetan. The bell played a very important role, as it instructed us to breathe and become more mindful. We were required to put our hands on our knees and have a soft tummy, with a straight back. 

When doing these excercises, we felt balanced and lightened. We really enjoyed this session because regain relaxation and focus in our well being. 

Monday 2 August 2021


 LI: To know get better at my times tables better.

I changed my name to Milton. Just for that.

I've been doing Transum for the past six days to help me with my times tables the times table I did the most was my 11 times table I also did my 10 times table I'm getting better at my times table its really fun doing it and I can challenge my friends to see if I can beat them before they finish it can really help me with my times tables and if you want to play here is the link Transum or if you want to play other times table games here's another link Times Tables these games will really help you with your times tables if you have trouble doing them. You can verse your friends you can time yourself and try and beat your time.